Below is a list of past projects managed and delivered by Dr Jeff Evans over the last 17 years.  This is a long list!  Therefore, please click the services type heading(s) of interest below to navigate to example projects covering this type of our professional services offering:


  • Depot feasibility study for a Metropolitan Borough Council.  The key objectives for this commission were to future proof depot-based services delivery whilst also considering energy efficiency and decarbonisation options that will contribute to one of three key priorities for the Council which is to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2040.  This study considered current and future planned government legislation and regulatory changes affecting services, for example, the Environment Act 2021 and the new Waste Strategy for England.  And other key factors, such as planned housing growth under the Local Plan Core Strategy. Changes for the Waste Management service will see the introduction of mandatory food waste collections and consistency for target materials collected, including an expanded range of flexible plastics being linked to full EPR planned to be coming on stream in 2027.  The study also considers options for implementation of renewable energy (heat and power) for the depot and beyond.  The Council has several public and private sector partners based at the depot and full stakeholder engagement was undertaken.  Depot services considered: Waste and Recycling collection; Street Cleansing; Grounds Maintenance; Winter Gritting; Highways Maintenance; Street lighting and traffic signs; MOT & Taxi; 24hr security & CCTV.

  • Value-for-money assessment for waste and recycling collection services provided by a Teckal company to two local authorities.  Works involved producing a discreet cost model for the provision of each council's services, as predicted, if a private contractor were to tender for the business.


  • Depot operational services review for a Waste Collection Authority (WCA) in the South East.  Services reviewed included: waste & recycling collection (households and commercial); street cleansing; grounds maintenance & open spaces; and fleet maintenance.


  • Modelling kerbside collection of mixed glass to assess potential cost benefits and impacts (improvement) on recycling rates for a rural district council.  In addition, undertaking a refresh of the council’s TEEP Assessment.


  • A review of the Commercial Waste collection service at a district council.


  • Modelling options and service design for the introduction of charged kerbside collection of garden waste at four waste collection authorities in the North East.  Implementation of a selected scheme, as set out in each advisory report, has achieved up to 7-figure favourable budget swings at an individual council level. And each service for every council concerned has been moved from a position of cost to one of income generation.


  • Digital Mapping of Street Cleansing services for a borough council.

  • Options appraisal (including waste flow modelling for economic and environmental impacts for each service design alternative) for waste and recycling collection at various unitary and waste collection authorities (rural, semi-rural and urban geographies and differing demographics).


  • Undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment with respect to a proposed new brick making factory for a supplier of construction materials in the UK: We are commissioned to produce the chapter on ‘Climate Change’ for the Environmental Statement, which is to be submitted to support a Section 73 Planning Application for a quarry in Leeds. We are working in partnership with a specialist Planning Consultancy , to deliver this work for our end client, who are a manufacturer of essential clay and concrete building products for the UK’s construction industry. Our studies and specialist work include delivering the following outputs: Carbon accounting to produce a baseline model using PAS 2050 LCA assessment methodology and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard; to investigate how resource efficiency and circularity for the process is best achieved so that the proposal is future-proofed for sustainability including mitigating emissions to air, land and water; Consideration of local design codes and the National Model Design Code (2021) against the proposed design for the new buildings and the site itself; to investigate options to incorporate renewables to mitigate the use of fossil-fuel energy and fuel use at site for both building operational use and brick production; to investigate how plans and initiatives can meet or contribute towards Leeds City Council target to be carbon neutral by 2030; and to set a target date, as defined through the metrics from our modelling work, for the entire operation by the end client to be NZC.

  • Product Carbon Footprint works for a manufacturer and distributor of polymer based goods focussing on their recycled content PE film offering. The methodology used was according to PAS 2050: (2011) 'Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services'; The GHG Protocol and associated publications including use of the most up to date available conversion factors/inventories available.

  • Carbon accounting for an in-situ pyrolysis plant installation at a carpet tile manufacturing factory in the North West.  The pyrolysis plant is fuelled by carpet tile waste, which results from the manufacturing process. Carbon savings were calculated by comparing with emissions from using EfW.


  • Bid-support assistance for a major environmental services contractor in the UK in preparing their Carbon Management Plan method statement question response to support their tender to provide waste and recycling collection services for a local authority in the West Midlands.


  • Bid support to a major private environmental services contractor intending to tender for a waste management contract with a local authority in London.  Works involved the production of a Carbon Management Plan including assessing the metrics of the proposed solution using the Mayor of London Greenhouse Gas Calculator for Municipal Waste.


  • PAS 2050 life cycle analysis carbon accounting for a supplier who provides a reusable sharps container system service for its healthcare clients.


  • Carbon Footprint for waste management operations at a large waste authority in London.


  • Biogas feasibility study for a major proposed CHP system in the Ukraine.


  • Pyrolysis of mixed waste plastics to produce EN590 compliant synthetic diesel and associated carbon savings calculations (project short listed for EDIE Environmental Excellence awards).


  • Renewable Energy Feasibility Study for an area regeneration project.


  • Eco-Town Development Strategy (Masterplanning).


  • Carbon Footprint & Energy Audit for a large multidisciplinary consultancy.


  • Planning Charrette for an area scheduled for redevelopment in London.


  • Carbon Management Strategy and Implementation Plans (SIPs) for two unitary councils.


  • Production of a high-level business case in consideration of the potential joint working involving three Hertfordshire borough councils in the area of waste collection and material processing.


  • Comprehensive review of waste and recycling services for a waste collection authority and subsequent development of a ten-year Waste Strategy for the Council.  This was an extensive project that ran over an 18-month period.


  • Waste Strategy Review & Action Plan: Led on the review of the existing Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (JMWMS) for the York and North Yorkshire Waste Partnership (YNYWP), which consists of nine local authorities.  And the development and production of a detailed and robust 18-month action plan to deliver against the Waste Strategy Objectives and Targets.


  • State of the Partnership report (SOP) – Benchmarking performance of the York & North Yorkshire Waste Partnership (YNYWP) and highlighting possible options for the future development of the Partnership.

  • Development and delivery of a Municipal Waste Management Strategy for a unitary authority (including undertaking Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to produce the Environmental Report; public consultation; Sustaiability Appraisal (SA); and adoption.


  • Development and delivery of a Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (JMWMS) for a unitary and city council authority.


  • RCM provided expert consultancy advice to a city borough council who are acting as the local authority project lead on behalf of seven local authorities, in total, with respect to the production of their Waste Plan Regulation 19 submission to the Planning Inspectorate.  Our works have involved data and Waste Plan model (in Access) analysis. And provision of expert Waste Needs Assessment (WNA) skills which our team have accrued in delivering other similar projects.

  • Undertaking the update of the Waste Needs Assessment (WNA) to support the Waste Local Plan for a County Council.


  • Managed and undertook the Waste Needs Assessments (WNA) for two district councils in the Midlands to inform their emerging Infrastructure Development Plans (IDP).


  • Site Waste Management Plan for the Dun Laoghaire Development.


  • HR Advisory: Undertaking a Management Investigation for a local organisation into a dispute between board level members.  The purpose of our works was to arrive at a final report identyfying recommendations that seek to resolve or at least mitigate matters and thereby assist with the board being able to re-focus its full time and efforts on delivering its organisational objectives.

  • Development of a Waste Management Plan and Specification for the procurement of a waste services contract(s) for a Housing Association: Works involved site inspections; undertaking a waste audit; liaising with current waste services contractors; detailed technical analysis of data and information; mapping of all current waste routes; identifying efficiency savings; and consideration of existing and future regulations and legislation to ensure legal compliance with respect to waste management by both the client and the services to be procured and delivered by its future waste services contractor(s).

  • Technical advisory services in respect of the joint procurement of service contracts for five councils in respect of the bulking, handling, haulage, sorting followed by treatment by recycling of ca. 42,000 t.p.a. of dry mixed recyclables (DMR).


  • Technical support to a waste disposal authority (WDA) regarding the potential procurement of a new MRF contract(s) to process ca. 70,000 tonnes of dry mixed recyclables (DMR) collected across the county by seven waste collections authorities (WCAs).


  • Soft Market Testing for the possible outsourcing of services (waste collection and disposal; street cleansing; grounds maintenance; highways maintenance; car parking) for a City Council.


  • Contract mobilisation for four local waste collection authorities in respect of awarded service contracts, following a joint procurement exercise, for the delivery, bulking, haulage and treatment of dry mixed and source separated recyclables.


  • OJEU level joint procurement using a mini Competitive Dialogue (CD) procedure for four local waste collection authorities for the delivery, bulking, haulage and treatment of dry mixed and source separated recyclables.


  • Green Waste gates fees procurement – OJEU ‘Open’ procedure for the procurement of a Framework Contract for YNYWP local authority partners.


  • Joint procurement of waste vehicles – OJEU ‘restricted’ procedure procurement for a four-year framework contract for YNYWP local authority partners.


  • Joint procurement for the sale of dry recyclates – OJEU restricted procedure procurement of contract(s) for the treatment of dry recyclables collected by four district councils.


  • Kerbside collected household dry mixed recyclables (DMR) contamination studies. Works involved compositional analysis and reporting for DMR samples according to recyclable, non-target and non-recyclable fractions.


  • Undertook and completed TEEP Assessments for eight councils (unitary and waste collection authorities) including re-assessment for one council. Also undertook a TEEP Assessment for a private skip operator who also run commercial residual and recycling collection in North Wales.


  • Devising and gaining a consensus for an agreed Partnership policy (across nine local authorities) and approach in respect of the application of Controlled Waste England and Wales (Amendment) Regulations 2012.


  • Undertook a resident’s satisfaction survey in respect of environmental services and local environmental quality (LEQ) for a London Borough. The Council has recently re-procured its outsourced services for waste and recycling; street cleansing and grounds maintenance services and wanted specialist support to undertake three types of resident satisfaction surveys ('on-street'; 'postal'; 'online') with respect to these service areas to help inform development of KPIs to be used in the new contracts.


  • Undertaking a research project for a major UK environmental services contractor to produce a report on ‘Considerations in Reducing the Frequency of Household Residual Waste Collections’.


  • Acted as project manager in undertaking surveys to inform a report on ‘Public Satisfaction with Cleanliness’ in a large London Borough on behalf of their Streets Cleansing contractor and for the purpose of them delivering an annual report to the council as part of their contract.


  • Technical support to a major private sector environmental services contractor in respect of data and information for charged garden waste kerbside collection across urban authorities in England.


  • Thought leadership – working in partnership with a senior legal plc firm and market leading financial advisors to look at the impacts (technical; legal; financial) to local authorities in respect of the emerging EU Circular Economy Package (CEP).


  • Researched MRF capacity and costs for co-mingled recyclates processing in the East of England.


  • Feasibility and Impact Assessment for Waste Transfer Station (WTS) Infrastructure options across North Yorkshire to facilitate delivery of residual waste to the waste treatment facility as proposed under the Waste PFI project – Use of Route Optimisation software to produce pseudo ‘as is’ optimised waste collection modelling for each district (WCA).

  • Research report on Waste Growth and options for Green Waste Management – Detailed data research and processing for waste KPIs for York & North Yorkshire (BVPI 84a, 82b (since 2000) NI191, NI192 and NI193 (since 2006); 12 local authority case studies also completed.


  • Delivery of Joint Waste Authority & Advanced Partnerships (JWAAP)/RIEP grant funded project (value of funding secured: £100K).


  • Delivery of Regional Improvement & Efficiency Programme (RIEP) grant funded project (value: £200K).